There's nothing quite like Texas barbecue and this melt in your mouth brisket recipe was provided to us by our friends over at Craft Beer Market. Yep, Texas in Vancouver; what could be better? Ingredients:
1 x 5 lb Beef Brisket
Directions: Dry Rub: Combine all ingredients into bowl and mix well. Brisket:
To Finish Pull or slice your finished brisket. If you were cool, of course you’d pull it. Dress it generously with your reserved BBQ sauce and serve it to all your best friends with some great bread or buns. Comments are closed.
About UsOriginating in 2010 as a live, monthly broadcast, Just Here for the Beer is now Canada’s longest-running, dedicated and continuous beer-oriented program on commercial radio airwaves. Our companion shows, Thru the Grapevine, Hand-Crafted Spirits, and Ciders, Sodas and Cocktails provide our audience with lively discussions about wine, spirits, cocktails, and other interesting beverage market segments. Our mission is to educate the public on all things beer, wine and spirits-related in a light and entertaining manner. We actively promote the many outstanding breweries that have become part of the fabric of British Columbia. Be sure to check out our Brewery Guide or sign up for one of our Brewery Tours to get a taste of what our area has to offer! |
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